Designing Indeterminacy:
User-led Creation of Liminal Spaces at Work
Vancouver, Canada, 2016–2018
Practice-led Research
As many concurrent shifts in cultures and technologies shape the future of work in unexpected ways, Designing Indeterminacy looks at the interior design of the contemporary workplace and considers its limitations. Through practice-led research this project attempts to understand everyday work experience of users. Participatory design methods are used to investigate the spatial limitations that knowledge workers today are facing in the contemporary work environment.
See the electronic copy of the thesis here. This thesis is available to view and copy for research and educational purposes only, provided that it is not altered in any way and is properly acknowledged, including citing the author, title and full bibliographic details.
Photography by Ian Lee.
User-led Creation of Liminal Spaces at Work
Vancouver, Canada, 2016–2018
Practice-led Research
As many concurrent shifts in cultures and technologies shape the future of work in unexpected ways, Designing Indeterminacy looks at the interior design of the contemporary workplace and considers its limitations. Through practice-led research this project attempts to understand everyday work experience of users. Participatory design methods are used to investigate the spatial limitations that knowledge workers today are facing in the contemporary work environment.
See the electronic copy of the thesis here. This thesis is available to view and copy for research and educational purposes only, provided that it is not altered in any way and is properly acknowledged, including citing the author, title and full bibliographic details.
Photography by Ian Lee.